Nanobyte Security | About



A security professional eager in learning new ways to break into and defend IT systems and networks. Recent focus on learning offensive tactics. Excited to continuously grow as a professional, and eager to develop within my career.

Nan0byte is a Penetration Tester, and has been passionate about cyber security for many years, and started his security career after earning a Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security. He has worked within cyber security roles defending computers and networks, also while pursuing an offensive mindset, earning numerous certifications along the way. Nan0byt3 enjoys manmy various online platforms for CTF’s, attending security conferences, continuously learning and developing new skills, but his ultimate goal is staying active in the community. He served as a United States Marine for nine years on Active Duty as a communications maintenance technician, and is trained in radio and satellite communications, as well as telephone and data networks. He made the transition to IT upon his honorable discharge.

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